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Partner Hotels

  • Hotel Rimouski
    Be sure to mention "Empress of Ireland commemoration" when you reserve.

    • First class room $259 per night plus tax
      single or double occupancy
      Type of room: Executive or Corporative suite
    • Second-class room: $159 per night plus tax
      single or double occupancy
      Type of room: Suite with living room
    • Third-class room: $129 per night plus tax
      single or double occupancy
      Type of room: Regular room

  • Hotel Empress
    Be sure to mention "Empress 2014" when you reserve.

    • Single occupancy (breakfast include): $109 per night *plus tax and service
    • Double occupancy (breakfast include): $119 per night per night *plus tax and service

Boat excursions onboard the Gabrielle C

missing imageYour trip back in time begins at the Rimouski marina and includes a stop near the Site historique maritime de la Pointe-au-Père. Picture yourself sailing in the wake of the majestic Empress of Ireland to its final, fatal destination, and witness images of the ship via underwater sonar.

Navigation Borealis
The tour will last approximately 3 hours.
Adults: $85 / Children 12 and under: $55 (14 passengers maximum)
Reservations: 418 725-9530 / email: Info@navigationborealis.com


Links of Interest







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